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Interesting article. I built a remotely similar deck a few months ago (well at least it contained suspend creatures and Obi/Decree/Arm/War) but I’ve found all too many times that people in the causal room get really upset by land destruction so I stopped playing it.
Another great article Zim!
I think the deck could use Sphinx of Lost Truths though. It has 5 toughness and can either draw or dig to your sweepers. Plus you said you were considering Chonicler but are often low on cards. Perhaps Sphinx over Detritivore.
I find it odd too when people in the casual room get upset about LD even when you basically win right away with it. I can see long grinding games with spot LD being annoying, but a mass LD with a massive win condition on the board is not that annoying in my opinion. It’s just a way to lock up the win.
Sphinx of Lost Truths: agreed, it’s a pretty good fit, and I almost included it in my list. Its power gives a bit of a generous clock in an end game situation, but I’m sure it would work pretty well nonetheless.
I don’t think anybody complained to me about land destruction while I was playing this deck. If I were to make this more of a controlling Wildfire deck instead, on the other hand, then I’d probably get a few complaints. Lately it seems like the casual room runs more powerful decks than it did six months ago, but I suppose one advantage of that is that you get less complaints about particular forms of disruption. In any case, I think Obliteration of Jokulhaups is less likely to offend somebody than Armaggedon, because it doesn’t seem like as much of a cheap shot.
I had Numot, the Devastator in my original Red-Blue-White build, and the one time I got to attack with him, it felt like an annoying LD win. So I took him out, and maybe Detritivore could come out for similar reasons (replaced by Chronicler, like you say).
This seems similar to the EDH Jhoira Build – maybe you should try that in Commander. I’ve played with it IRL and it’s pretty sick, the only problem is that it paints a huge target on your back
well lunco said my post already but I agree this looks like a nice EDH deck as well.
Very interesting deck, I like the variety plus having a nice big win condition and lots of ways to achieve it are good.
Not played 100 card singleton before but it seems like a fun way to do things casually