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Happy Birthday! And MBC Rackpox would be a tremendous matchup for Kibblers GW Hatebears list that has been going around these past couple of weeks. Discarding my Loxodon Smithers and Wilt-Leaf Lieges? Yay!
sweet games there. This is a challenging format to run successfully. Lot of good stuff out there.
Love that last round where the shuffler is blamed for the loss by your opponent. That is just plain bad luck that can happen with hand shuffling or a computer randomization. I usually don’t say anything at all once someone starts going off about how evil the computer programming is.
Apparently Google Docs is being flaky this morning. If the meta charts are not appearing for you, try a refresh.
happy birthday man lol though charts aren’t showing no matter how often I refresh :\
Raw meta database can be found at: