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Anyone running casual over extended events still?
Uhhh… casual over extended? Huh?
AFAIK, no one is running anything in the Extended format these days.
Also, PREs, while not being as “cut throat” as sanctioned events, are still not all that “casual”. After all, there is $$ on the line. When there’s chum, there’s usually sharks.
I’m personally getting frustrated with Modern these days. Blue Tron resilience is more than annoying, and I am not in the mood of going xMiMx way and playing infect just to prey on it.
The Glittering Jund deck has 4-0ed at least one event, but I have found it disappointing: the Wish itself is a sorcery and you often want to play something more immediately impactful, and you seldom have 2 white on board early in the game to play some of the sideboard cards. I also feel it outlines the pros’ biggest peeve against modern: “if I can’t get my sideboarded silver bullet, these matchups are impossible for me”.
But hey, I have been playing so poorly lately, maybe a few wins will make me excited for Modern again. That and getting my hand on a play set of Varolz!
For me at least, the audio portion of the beta testing video somehow is off by about 1:06 once you get to the 5:12 mark in the video. It must become un-synced sometime before that, but that is the first time I can tell the audio is delayed.
Hmmm… We’re not hosting this vid (unlike usual), so I can’t quite explain it or access it to provide a fix. Blippy, do you think this is fixable?
Errors are in the source vid, not uploaded copy.
I tried a few ways in the original, but everything I tried to sync audio/video on the source made it worse. I think it was because I was capturing the whole screen instead of just the window. It was so much easier in the old client.