What can you even do with MM2015 that’s actually silly? The best deck in the format? Oh, okay.
Modern Masters is like a core set, except it’s only got cards people want! Well, mostly cards people want. At least a few cards that people want. . . Anyway, Modern Masters means reprints, which makes this a perfect opportunity to look back on some of the greatest art hits and misses from the cards reprinted in this set.

Ryan pilots a creature-heavy Abzan list based around Collected Company in Standard DE. See how this deck performs in the videos inside.
Noah starts off this DTK draft with a solid first pick and immediately finds a fork in the road for pick 2.
“That’s kind of dirty sounding.” “Gross, get in there.” Windmill Slam draft Dragons of Tarkir with attention only, or at least mainly, to flavor text.
Ryan tries out a Mono-Black Aggro brew that went 4-0 in a DE. Will he be able to pull off similarly awesome results?
This is the complete card list for the Modern Masters 2015 set.
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