Part Two of the flavor review is out just in time for Dragons of Tarkir’s Magic Online release. You should have plenty of time to read all about which cards have the best and worst art and flavor text in between click lag and client crashes.
Monastery Mentor hasn’t made a huge splash in Legacy just yet, but this week RexDart tries out an Esper Mentor deck that had some recent success online. Does he have the prowess to ride the deck to victory? Check out the match videos to see it in action!

Ryan pilots an Abzan Assault Formation deck (aka WALLS) against the Standard competition.
Denis dives into Dragons with a solo draft. Yay, a Dra(ft)gon!
In this (pre-ban) Pauper Daily, Jason gets one final chance at Treasure Cruising triumph! His deck of choice? Affinity!
Rodolfo shares his strategic insights on the new Dragons of Tarkir Sealed and Draft formats after reviewing his latest GP experience.
Included here is the complete visual spoiler for the Tempest Remastered online-only expansion. (Wastelands! Get your Wastelands here! Here, have a handful of fear dust!)
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