RexDart takes a look at Dragons of Tarkir this week for his eternal format set review.
Ryan Frost Walks all over the Standard 2-Man queues with his Standard Red-Blue Aggro list.

Denis runs solo in this week’s Khans Draft.
Graham and James jump in the Pot O’ Gold Triple ARB draft, and—obviously—they have to force Jund!
Ryan tries to go infinite against GW Devotion with his Mono-Green-splash-Izzet Temur Ascendancy Combo list.
Mono-Blue Delver is the best deck in Classic Pauper. Isn’t it? Jason joins a Daily Event to see for himself.
RexDart takes his revised 5-Color Humans Vintage deck to his first paper Vintage tournament in 18 years, and shows off the updated deck in MTGO matchplay videos.
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