Welcome, one and all, to the Commander 2016 Flavor Rankings! They’re like power rankings, but for flavor. This year’s Commander set is shaking up the flavor metagame with a whole spate of esoteric legends, and we’re here to let you know which are better than the others, and by how much, in strict descending order.
Denis jumps into the winning MTGO ‘You make the Cube’ cube: Twisted color pie time!
Now that the format’s most effective infinite combo is banned, it’s time to go back to durdling around! Today Jason celebrates by pairing Pulse of Murasa with Mnemonic Wall in the 2-Mans.
Which takes longer for Noah?: Winning a game or sideboarding? This question is a live one in this Kaladesh draft.
Think the Kaladesh commons should be getting more Classic Pauper love? Check out Jason’s crewed up concoction known as Vehicular Manslaughter! The 2-Mans just might be getting steamrolled.
What’s up, wiz kids? Have you heard the news? Magic is courting new players with Intro Packs, featuring present and past versions of the same exact planeswalkers they’ve been trying to force since 2007. If you were sick of seeing a new Chandra in every set, wait ‘til you see two!
Jason dusts off the tribe responsible for some of Pauper’s most degenerate mana! But will the 2-Mans be too manly for these Forest dwellers?
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