How far can Treasure Cruise be pushed in Classic Pauper? Jason takes his Izzet brew into a Daily Event to find out!
Graham and James return to their headwear roots with the KTK Hat Draft!

RexDart dives back into the Legacy queues this week with a quirky Abzan Stax deck: Sylvan Plug.
Welcome back to Premade to Awesome! Two weeks ago we fleshed out the Mardu Raiders deck and I promised you to bring it to a Standard constructed event. This week we’re digging into Temur Avalanche instead.
“I just want to go out and not feel like I’m playing a Legacy Cube with a flimsy pack of sleeves.” – Gary McCord
Though Travis has been absent for some time, it’s never a bad idea to reflect on the vivacious spirit he brought to Commander.
“My Legacy Cube is an experiment in adrenaline pumping and design.” – Steven Holl
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