Every once in a while we like to reflect on old series that still, in some ways, hold up today. Check out Travis’s art criticism skills applied to Magic cards in these greatest hits videos.
In this edition of From Premade to Awesome, Benjamin brings out the warriors of the Mardu and beats up some Sultai.

“I guess I don’t take my drafting too seriously.” – Salman Khan
ThankTheBear concludes the article Let’s Play with a confrontation with Garruk, Friend of Mammals.
“Limited is something very individual, very personal, and in their own unique way, I believe everyone is Limited.” – Salman Khan
The results are in and Delver is performing well in the Vintage metagame on MTGO as well as placing 4 decks in the Top 8 of Vintage Champs. Enderfall explores how to attack the format post-Vintage Champs.
Ryan played in a MOCS Prelim with Jeskai Combo, come see if he went off or just fizzled.
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