“The drafting has to be crisp. Your hard work should show, but effortlessly.” – Salman Khan
MOCS competitor David Kaufmann examines the recent trends in the Vintage metagame, focusing on the role of Delver, Workshop, and Oath, the last of which could be a solution to the current metagame.

Delver just received another great addition in the form of Treasure Cruise. Today Jason brings the deck into the Pauper 2-mans with a singular goal: total domination!
It’s the KTK Rare Draft, and this time, we’re playing EVERY rare we get!
RexDart looks at the recently-spoiled Containment Priest, along with the other new cards from Commander 2014 to see which ones could make a splash in Legacy or Vintage.
ThankTheBear continues their search for Garruk in Ravnica and Shandalar! (Also check out our Youtube channel for their short comedic sketches!)
ThankTheBear presents another trio of talking Magic cards, including a KTK planeswalker!
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