Khans of Tarkir has finally arrived online and Benjamin cracks open an Intro Pack to see what wedges look like.
“Limited should always be in touch with the soil of the country. My drafts celebrate the heartland of Tarkir.” – Salman Khan

Earlier this year Chris and A.J. played a bizarre Magic Online-exclusive goofy Sealed format with tons of multicolored cards from myriad multicolored sets! See the results here!
“Now at 47, 48 I am expected to do ten times better drafts than I did when I was 24.” – Salman Khan
Enderfall looks at some Hate Bears decks centered around the Human tribe to see if the new Vintage metagame makes them relevant again.
Ryan took Burn with Treasure Cruise into the Modern 2-Mans, and it was awesome!
“If it is something that I want to draft, then I don’t think the audience will hate it.” – Salman Khan
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