Vintage control decks have typically utilized multiple colors to take advantage of the wealth of options available to them. Would a control deck that eschews such flexibility suffer in a powerful format like Vintage?
With Khans of Tarkir just around the corner, Ryan decides to take a brief intermission from Constructed. Come check out his throwback Tempest Draft!
“Once I completed the Cube and demonstrated it to my students, I realized it was nearly impossible to put down.” – Erno Rubik
“My core set beliefs revolve around the idea that we should draft to the best of our abilities-we should draft and let draft.” – Enya
“I don’t join a quick draft and then mise; instead, I work slowly card by card, revising and polishing.” – Dean Koontz
RexDart digs through Khans of Tarkir looking for eternal-playables for Legacy and Vintage, finding a new addition for his Human Tribal deck, as well as a few other interesting cards that may have been overlooked.
ThankTheBear present the third installment of their Let’s Play series! Also featured are a few “If Magic Cards Could Talk” humor sketches.
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