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I’d have to admit that your correct about M11 being easier than Scars. You provided a great example of that =O . Your picks were all over the place in the first draft. I can’t give exact comments on that draft since the viewer isn’t working for me right now. Your matches all seemed to come down to a bomb winning the game for you.
One reason M11 is an easy format is that the decision trees and singals are much clearer than in Scars draft. The match ups are easier as well. Infect decks have some great match ups and some terrible match ups and there is little in the way of “answers” to sideboard in to help out. In M11 there are specific sideboard and hate cards to help out in the match ups where you might be and underdog. Autumns Veil makes a big difference for a Green deck facing down a blue tempo/control deck. Pick orders and signals in M11 matter, in Scars the packs and print orders alone can send terrible signals and throw off even the best drafter.
If you want to win more often, play M11. Going infinate still does not exist when it comes to drafting. Virtue of the game. M11 has more valuable cards and offer the better value per pack cracked which helps offset the ticket cost. Black, Blue, and Green titans all compare favorably to the highest value cards out of SOM. The Coreset walkers are all decent value cards to open and of course you can’t forget Baneslayer. I’d rather open an M11 pack than a SOM pack anyday.
Interesting read but very misleading on many levels. My main problem was the draft picks being all over the place. When I’m home next I’ll point out specifics.
Hey Noah! Glad to see you alongside me on here
@ACP: I’m a little confused by your comment. going back over the draft, i saw only 2 mispicks, one of which was blatant (Gargoyle Sentinel>Preordain) and Aether Adept>Fauna Shaman before i had moved into Green. in what way were my picks all over the place?
I would have taken black knight over sylvan ranger, look at the draft from that point going UB and see how much stronger your deck ends up. Also SLEEP > Scroll Thief .. by a LOT =)