Quiet Speculation: Lessons from the Grand Prix

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  1. Good article, I agree about Vengevine being almost unfair, the thing has spiked in price so much it’s almost at Jace levels in some peoples lists.
    Hopefully we’ll see some interesting things with Lotus Cobra soon as I think it’s definately a card that has room to grow.

  2. “You’d need to be crazy or stupid to not include Bloodbraid Elf in your Aggro decks (unless you play Mythic, in which case, you’re both)”

    Just so you know, Kelly, I take offense to this statement.

  3. Progenitus will still be used in Natural Order decks, so I doubt it’s going to flop too badly.

    I don’t have access to MTGO at the moment (as my laptop recently commited suicide), but if I had, I too would be picking up Sarkhan the Mad. I don’t even care about Standard at all, but it just seems like a wildly underpriced card (same is true with Abyssal Persecutor, which is admittedly, rising a bit in price recently).

  4. Your discussion of the decks in Standard is a bit *too* short in my opinion, and didn’t really serve a purpose that abridged. That’s just my opinion of course, but I would prefer to hear about a few decks just a little more than such a broad perspective. But I suppose it was meant more as an introduction.

    I’m disappointed with the lottery/jackpot style of opening boosters you have now. You either high-five all your friends after cracking a pack worth ~50 bucks, or you silently curse your luck for getting a 1 buck mythic, or 50 cent rare. I don’t crack boosters to get a gambling fix :(

  5. what do you think about the fetchlands, will they go up at all after M10 rotates out? even assuming they just stay the same, is it worth it to pick up a set of each? i am pretty new to mtgo and I don’t know why certain fetchlands are so much cheaper than others (namely misty rainforest vs arid mesa) when rainforest is probably more used.