Rags to Riches: Week Eight – A Fork in the Road

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  1. I look forward to the undervalued foil list, though I assume 5 minutes after posting it will be outdated :p

    Either way *wow* on the Forks. Just…wow. Look at that chart go!

  2. @ Zage: The problem with the undervalued foil list is that is changes constantly. There are very few that keep the same value. Usually what happens is someone hoards a bunch of the foils from every bot usual a chase rare/mythic that’s hard to come by. After they have acquired them they simply just sit on the account for months building up value until they can unload them all for a huge profit. I too was lucky enough to jump on the foil Forks for 2.25 :) glad we beat the rush.

  3. Wow, that’s pretty amazing! When did wizards release the magic lifetime player rewards thing?

  4. That is a huge profit on those Foil forks, great idea and a great way to make a lot of tickets.
    Good article again! I like the graph

  5. That’s just it, Aznsilly…. I couldn’t find any official announcements without searching reallllllly hard. So the only people who knew about it either got lucky in their search results or recieved the forks :)

  6. @zwick, yeah I googled a bit and found it, foil fork and promotional art textless giant growth etc…but too late :-(

    @AlexM, cool site I started following!

  7. Thats pretty amazing profit there. I never knew they had Player Life Time Rewards. i’m going to have to look into it more.