Hello everyone,
Let’s jump right in this week and see what trades I was able to make to increase the value of our collection. If you have missed the previous articles of this series feel free to use the search bar and look up “Rags to Riches.” You will find the other parts there. As indicated in earlier articles, I do believe that with growing ticket count I will be able to turn some trades into higher profits. The first trade I made includes the sale of the foil Hellcarver Demon I bought last time for 2 tickets. As can be seen here, I bundled it with the Oracle of Mul Daya and sold it to a bot.
This turned some nice profit for us. The Arid Mesa deal we did last time is worth repeating so I checked and the card was available again for a rather low price. I couldn’t refuse the bot’s offer and took it again – twice! I paid 7 and 7.2 for it.
After this ratherpriceypurchase I was in dire need to flip cards to get some tickets back. I put an ad on classified and tried to sell the card for 9 tickets. I settled with 8 to get my tickets quick. One important lesson when trading is that being less greedy often leads to more profits, not less. If your resources are tied up in cards you are not able to sell because you insist of certain margins then you might get stuck with them for too long. The opportunity you are missing is to make more profits with the tickets you get!
My next trade is rather on the strange side. I believe of all trades I have made so far this one will be the hardest to understand and to master. Curious what I am talking about? Check it out:
Take your time and do a bit of research such as checking the popular dealers etc. and then tell me why this is a good or bad trade. Done? You might jump to the conclusion that this must be pretty horrible for me. The big dealers are listing this card at around 2.5 – 3 tickets and I just paid 7 for it! Now I will introduce you to an important concept that probably most people miss to often. Cards are NOT worth what a dealer pricelist is telling you. A dealer price tells you one thing and one thing only – what a dealer would like to have for the card. Nothing more. Combined with another important concept that most people are not aware of – dealers do not update prices on cards they do not have in stock, you are close to solving the riddle. A foil Squee, Goblin Nabob is nearly impossible to find anywhere. Check the dealers, check the bots, ask around. No one carries this little bugger. I was 100% certain that this would be the best deal I made so far and while 7 tickets is 300% of the list price I was sure I can flip the card for more. Putting it up the next day led to this…
That was sweet, no? To be frank there are about two dozen of cards (foils mostly) that are priced completely wrong at all bots and dealers. I might add a list of the candidates if there is enough interest next time so you can organize your own treasure hunt.
My time was already running out so I scanned the classified for a solid deal and found it in the following purchase:
I firmly believe that all the fetchlands are currently under-priced and will go up steadily in value. They are just too good to be only worth 3 tickets!
That’s it already for today. My only item for concern is the foil Phyrexian Negator that is very hard to move as expected. We shall see if I succeed in the future.
The total value of our collection currently is around 33 tickets. We still have a long way to go but I am confident that we will make it.
Take care everyone,
the Squee secret is out! That lil buggar is such a pain! Come on Masques I want my foily star squee. Too bad you don’t have more trading time each week. There was a foil FoW for sale for 155 this last week in the classified. Maybe if you have tix in time for the August Me123 you could achieve your goal.
Great article again, and I agree about the fetchlands. They are bound to go up, they’re so useful.
Seems like flipping fetchlands is all you need to do to get rich on MTGO
A list of these would be really nice XD
Yea I would kill for that list of foils that are semi-guarenteed to turn profit =) My trading up knowledge is incredibly lacking and anything to help flip a profit would be nice! I might invest in hundreds of fetchlands as Zage suggests lol.
Again I have to say, as I do every week, Im loving this series of articles and am trying to learn from them as well as stay entertained. Hope you find some good trades this week!
bah.. 12?!? for squee? you was short changed. I’d have paid 15
Going to ask again.. any chance of a progress chart showing your collection value over your weeks. Sorry to keep banging the drum about it but I think it’d be a real bonus to you articles.
Anyway, great article again. As always…
@Orgion – Oh, I am happy to sell you a foil Squee. Just check our shop and you will find 3 more of the little bugger waiting for a new owner. I could have bought a playset for 7 each but only had the tickets for one. That did not prevent me from grabbing the rest with my store account though. I will add a list with cards to watch out for next time and include a small chart that shows the progress.
Thanks for the comments!
Interesting to know! I too look forward to the list of foil gold mines heh!
Also, may I ask how you are scanning classifieds? Do you search anything in specific, or just hit show all. Finding a deal like someone SELLING marsh flats for 3 each is great now, since they have risen to the point where bots buy it for 3.5 I think. Would be nice to know!
One thing I do is just search human in the classifieds. I find many great deals here just scimming through them. I would also suggest using the auction room. You can join auction my typing /join auction Here you can bid on items and get them rather cheap.
Loving this article series …
Would it be possible to type the contents of the trade below the pictures? … I am having a hard time discerning how many tix are involved in the trade.
I definitely agree with your conclusion on the fetchlands. In my experience you can make some bank off flipping them. Up to 33 ticks already. Not bad.
Good idea about searching human! Sometimes I search casual to try and get some good trades, but people are obsessed with using the bot calculator to argue about my .10 cent rare to their .15 cent rare or .20 cent rare etc. While I understand this is useful for not getting ripped off on valuable cards, when it comes to cards like my realms uncharted (which they are looking for) for their summoning trap or their renegade doppelganger, I feel like it is just too frustrating
That was a pretty sweet deal on Squee. Never thought about there being a low supply of certain cards like that besides promos which most don’t seem to want anyways.
Just found your post at ClassicQuarters for the foil Squee.