Rhythmik Study: All Roads Lead to Washington, Part 3

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  1. Awesome account, I like these sorts of tourney reports.

    Seems like you did pretty well, shame you dropped off a bit day 2 though or you could have been well in the prizes. Leaving a card in your deckbox might have cost you =)

  2. @SaiDes. Yeah, I’m pretty sure leaving a card in my deckbox cost me some money. However, winning that match would have changed up all of my future matchups, which may have been good or bad. Though, I did kind of get the impression that player was trying to pluck me that match.

  3. Trav. The only reason I was upset was because I am a college student who plays magic.

    Read: Bankruptcy.

  4. well done bro and i completely know the feeling to make day 2 in a paper event and scrub out so the best i can say is i know it hurts. But the good news is that you were right and called the meta perfectly so keep up the good work and you’ll make you big win :)

  5. I’ve been doing really well with calling metagames recently. Maybe that’s the main reason I’ve been doing so well in tournaments.

  6. Good Job, Jeph, and a good read. And I agree, leaving cards in the deck box probably isn’t a good idea ^^a. Meh, crap happens.

  7. I know exactly what you mean about being a college student and being poor being a definate hand in hand, I can barely afford food let alone cards atm.
    Good read on the metagame though, that’s definitively so helpful for sideboarding and just knowing what your going to be up against.

  8. Congratulations on coming in top 128 in an event with nearly 2000 players, that is quite a feat regardless of how you did financially.

    Sure it sucks to not be in the money, but you have to consider this an investment.
    Either that…or consider it money spent to have a fun time. As long as you view it as one of the two (or perhaps both), you’ll realise it is worth it :)

    And if it’s not…then it’s time to quit. But coming in almost top 100 has gotta make you want more!

  9. Zage, the only thing I can do it set my sights toward the future. I’ll be attending the StarCityGames $5K Open in Philadelphia this weekend, and will hopefully make some money back.