Rhythmik Study: All Roads Lead to Washington

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  1. Hello Rhythmik!
    Great overview of the deck. I was wondering if you could comment on the best/worst matchups for the deck and talk a bit about the sideboard. When do you sideboard in the Sparkmages or the Stoneforge? Emrakul in the sideboard made me giggle… :-)

  2. Yeah. I’m totally casting 15/15′s :D

    Actually, if I play against Turbo Fog, I was thinking about switching to Kozilek in the board, just because I have been stuck with enough mana dorks to actually cast him. Seems like Turbo Fog can’t deal with him, either in the deck, or if he hits the board.

    I’m not entirely sure on the matchups, and will likely be covering that next week, when I get a bit more in depth on my card choices, as well as decisions to audible according to the metagame in certain tournaments.

    I have found myself siding in Cunning Sparkmage against every deck that runs creatures, as well as an extra Mystic and Collar. Yes, they are THAT good. The only reason they aren’t in the main is because Most of your Game 1′s are going to be all-out Aggro beatdowns. Games 2 and 3 always take a slightly more controlling role.

  3. Haha, looking forward to your new evaluation of Gideon Jura. I am sure you have a few words to say about that guy :-)