Sealed Strategies for the Mirrodin Mage

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  1. great to see you writing man, you were always one of the top players in the limited queues (result wise), and it’s awesome to see some stuff from your perspective XD
    Looking forward to the future (well not losing to you but you know XD)

  2. Great article written by a great Player.
    I understand that you explain your acievements but the in depth look on the format stands on its own.
    Hope to see more from you this was a very good run down.

  3. Thanks for this article, it was just what i was hoping to find on this site !
    Interesting to read your ideas about infect, i tried phyrexian in release and got no mirrodin infecters except for hand of the praetors; the besieged infecters got a total number of 7 so i had to play non-infect; with sangromancer and a very powerfull viridian corrupter i made it to the final, with also great thanks to 2 green 8/8′s. The set is indeed slower, cause no game ended before turn 10. When looking at the spoiler i was a bit worried i had to play against infect all the time, now after reading this article i am more certain this will not be the case.
    Looking forward to another of your aritcles !

  4. That was great sir! I was totally over Scars Limited but when Besieged came out and I saw how much the format slowed down, I was really pleased. Blue is much better now and at first I was tempted by it in your pool but after looking at the whole pool I also would have gone RG. The white splash is solid as well. Your success is not a mystery. :) Now you just need a bit of luck to go deep at a GP/PT. Looking forward to more from you sir, maybe a vid or two?

  5. Great article Dustin.

    Also – admins – PLEASE lets get some Sealed event videos up! And make them live, not recorded :) Some sealed premiere events would be great too.

  6. I just realized that sounds stupid – “live not recorded” – what I mean is not recordings of replays.

  7. Really helpful article. I wonder if playing blue might not have been possible? 2 Vivisection, 1 Vedalken Anatomist, maybe getting greedy with the UU Control Magic. But your build seemed strong and the massive ramping seems to have worked. How good do you see Vivisection? And is the Anatomist the Bomb I think he is?

    Looking forward playing some sealed the next days on Modo.

  8. Think with no card drawing, I would have added Rot Wolf in the 3 slot, only had three other 3 drops.

  9. Why add a 3 drop 2/2 poison guy in a deck with 4 myrs and an Emissary? Aren’t I skipping straight to 4?

  10. I wish there were more articles like this on this site. Heck, I wish there was more content in general. I know it has been a kind of magic doldrum period at every site for the last 6 weeks, but I used to check this site every day for content – now its more like every other week and even then I don’t expect to find anything interesting.