With four Rounds in the books, it’s clear that Workshop is dominating QT #4. Enderfall took a workshop deck of his own into the tournament; come see how he’s performed!
‘Twas brillig and the slithey toves… wait. What? Oh yeah! First I’ll show you some more newish decks. Then we’ll talk a bit about the history of Modern, the upcoming Overdrive! 100 celebration, and engage in an exploration of what Modern Masters means to me. Finally we take a quick look at the current meta.
This is the complete visual card list for the Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt set.
In preparation (again) for the Magic Online Wide Beta Spotlight, Chris implores you to try it out and give Wizards your constructive opinions, stating a few reasons as to why this is to all of our benefit!
In this article, Dustini discusses his recent PTQ endeavors. Most importantly, he details his new Standard UW Mill deck, which has a very light black splash just for Nephalia Drownyard. He explains the reasoning behind the deck’s inclusions and endorses the deck as a powerful force for the Standard PTQ season.
Now that the upcoming Modern Masters set has been fully spoiled, we can start brewing with the consequential additions to the Pauper card pool! Jason looks at three specific cards and tries to find their ideal homes.
Just how strong is Nivix Cyclops? Time to take a look at the impact a single card can have on a deck.