After a lot of competitive talk it’s time to relax with a look at a deck dug up from JustSin’s long list of Pauper decks.
QT #3 has come to a close, and Montolio is our champion!! Enderfall looks back at how the tournament played out and looks ahead to QT #4, which is right around the corner!
This week Dustin discusses his decision to gradually reduce the colors of his Standard aggro lists, leaving him in prime position to perform well with Mono-Red in an MTGO PTQ.
Inside are all the cards spoiled by WotC for the final set of the Return to Ravnica Block, Dragon’s Maze! The spoiler is now final!
I’m ba-ack! So let’s pretend like nothing happened and jump right back into this mess!
Since last year’s celebration was such a rousing success, I’m going to ride this rocket once again. Rather than dwell …
If you want to draft as much as possible, but don’t always care which set you’re drafting, which one should you pick? Sebastian does some math and shows you what is currently the optimal set to draft from a financial perspective (independent of prize pack winnings).