Inside, Lee takes a look at Pro Tour – Avacyn Restored, paving the way for the remainder of the Magic Online Block season.
Join enderfall as he takes a look at the Avacyn Restored cards not named Temporal Mastery in his new set review!
When the Helvault breaks open, unleashing a horde of ruthless demons and their angelic archenemy Avacyn onto the world of Magic, Pauper will have a total of three demons and six angels available (unless you count the wannabe angel and demon changelings from Lorwyn), all of which are pretty much completely unplayable. But even if Avacyn Restored doesn’t bring Pauper the hopes of unburying a Griselbrand or mastering time, it does bring some new tricks to the table for Pauper.
Back in pre-ban Block, Lee ran through a Daily with a Bg Zombies list that splashed for the Intangible Virtue-killing Naturalize. Now that Intangible Virtue has been eternally naturalized in Block, Lee has experimented with a few other splashes in Zombies… including Sorin, Lord of Innistrad!
“All I Need is a Miracle, All I Need is…” Time Walk? With access to unrestricted Brainstorm and Jace, is the new miracle a Time Walk or a Time Tease? Enderfall weighs in on the controversial new card.
Avacyn Restored spoiler season is now finished. View the full visual spoiler inside!
The metagame has finally stabilized enough for a specialized control deck to slip in and crush the field. Could there be such a control deck inside this article? Definitely!