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Wow the first person (we care about) on mtgoacademy to do something OTHER THAN AVR!
Armadillo cloak all day….
I was surprised to see you maindeck the Phyrexian Reaper, or indeed draft it at all. Isn’t it just an inefficient creature with an extremely limited form of evasion? Even if you have a card that changes a creature’s color, that’s still a two-card combo to keep a single creature from blocking your 5-mana 3/3.
I have a question. Round 2, match 2, minute 13 … you say dead ringers isn’t castable … but the drake is blue/white, then one of the creature is one color (blue) the other isn’t (only white)
Am I missing something ? It’s not unless the 2 creatures share a color, it’s a creature has a color the other hasn’t, which is the case.
Well … nevermind, I have my answer some minutes after, and it worked with 2 drakes ! But then I don’t understand why !
@Nazlurf: One creature is blue-white, the other is blue. That means the blue-white creature is a color the other isn’t (white). The complicated text on Dead Ringers basically says Destroy two nonblack creatures with exactly the same colors.
@Psychotronic: You need to adjust your standards of a limited-playable creature down to the pre-modern age. A five-drop 3/3 is eminently playable in Invasion block–the Attendants, for example, might make it in your deck simply for their stats.
Best videos on MTGOAcademy, hands down!
Thanks for doing an IPA draft by popular demand.
I really think this shows why your videos are among the best Limited videos online: your dedication and love of analysis. I have seen far too many “throwback” drafts (non-current sets) where the drafter begins the draft without any knowledge of the format or even the cards within, which makes for a painful experience for all involved. You — on the other hand — took the time to research the format a bit and have some game plan and idea of how to approach the format, even if it wasn’t “perfect” (i.e. mistakes were made), I think that’s irrelevant to the overall entertainment/educative experience. So, in short, I really appreciate the seriousness with which you offer these videos; it’s much appreciated.
That last round opponent’s deck was bonkers. The disparity between your first round and last round opponents’ decks and play ability was quite immense, from round 1(I dunno how to draft this format) to round 3 (I have obviously drafted this archetype many times). Interesting format, indeed.
I really enjoy this format, thanks for doing one. I’m sad to see it go since this format was incredibly fun and skill-intensive. I never got to play with these cards on release, so I got absolutely hosed the first 5-10 drafts I did and lost a lot of tix figuring out the format. I’d often win the first round, but that doesn’t help much since you’d have to buy more invasion packs which were 7-8 tix. Eventually I figured out what I wanted to do in the format and had a lot of fun consistently making the 3rd round, which let me make back all my tix and then some since there are so many valuable cards in this block.
Picks that seemed questionable to me (though given this was your first time drafting this format, the fact that most of your picks were correct was very impressive):
P1P2: Shivan Emissary is generally just a better version of Agonizing Demise. It’s not instant speed and it doesn’t burn your opponent, but the abundance of gating creatures in the format means it’s a repeatable effect. All my 3-0 decks had some form of repeatable removal effects using cards like Emissary and the cycle of battlemages with gating creatures. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that EtB abilities (particularly the battlemages) define the format. Since basically any deck is going to run gating creatures, I think the Emissary is strictly better than Agonizing Demise.
P1P5: Zombie over Soul Burn. Soul burn is better than it looks. The games tend to go so long that reaching 8+ mana isn’t unusual, and since it’s black or red mana it often just blows people out. Since it’s still useful at 4 and 5 mana, it’s just a solid spell I like to have if I’m in those colors whereas the Zombie is largely a throwaway card. Sometimes you have to run it, but it’s never exciting and there are tons of ways to kill it/disable it.
P1P8: Urborg Shambler over the Attendant. While hindsight is 20/20 (you had a lot of creatures that just died to it by the end) it’s just not good because so many good black creatures have 1 toughness. Ravenous rats, cavern harpy, urborg emissary, and the battlemages to name a few. On top of that, it costs double-black which is a significant downside in a format where you’re always at least 3 colors. If you want 4/3′s, you have better options in the 2nd pack with Lava Zombies and the 3/2 that is +1/+1 if you have a swamp. Also the attendant won’t always make my main deck, but the sacrifice effect is relevant for fixing mana or blowing people out with some huge spell (i.e. soul burn or a double-kicked battlemage). Being colorless is also helpful at times.
P2P6: This was probably correct, but people really undervalue Sisay’s Ingenuity. Since it’s one mana and cantrips, it doesn’t have to do a whole lot to earn its keep. The worst case scenario is having your creature killed in response, but it’s easy enough to wait till they’re tapped out. There are a lot of ways to completely blow people out with that effect (for example, I had it out and attacked with Phyrexian Bloodstock. My opponent had his own bloodstock but no white creatures, and he blocked with a random 3/3. In response, I made his bloodstock white along with his next-best creature. My bloodstock died, which killed his, which then killed his other creature.
P2P14: Insolence over Mana Cylix. Insolence isn’t a real card, whereas Mana Cylix is sometimes a necessary evil. Counting on fixing in the 3rd pack is a dangerous proposition because reef shamans get taken highly if you’re drafting with people that know what they’re doing. You got lucky to get one that late.
P3P4: Quicksilver Dagger over Reef Shaman. The dagger sometimes blows people out, but it’s extremely rare. There’s a lot of removal in the block, and good removal to boot. Most often you’re just tapping out to ping 1 and draw a card. The reef shaman, on the other hand, is the best blue mana-fixer in the format. You get to play it on turn 1 where you generally won’t have anything else good, and in addition to giving you any color mana, it mana-screws your opponents when you no longer need the fixing. It’s very easy to do this and completely lock out your opponent to get free wins, so I like having multiple reef shamans/dream thrush and even Sea Snidds.
Finally, I thought it was strange that you never considered picking Zombie Boa or even acknowledged its existence. It’s not exciting, but it’s an evasive 3/3 and a nice way to close games. I don’t know that it would have made the cut given all the other 5 drops you had, but it definitely should have been in consideration one of the times it came by.
Excellent draft, A+ would watch again!
One thing that isn’t immediately obvious when starting this format: Tidal Visionary is a bomb. It combos with so many strong effects(Dead Ringers, Hunting Drake, Slingshot Goblin, etc) and blanks all of black’s non-toughness-dependent removal. After having done a handful of IPA drafts, I probably would have taken it over Agonizing Demise P1P2(Probably incorrectly, but I think they’re very close.) For the same reason, I believe Sisay’s Ingenuity is much better than people seem to think.
Also, I know this isn’t your style, but you missed out on the Deadapult + Unnatural Selection + Wild Research w/U/R deck! Such a deck would surely not win much, but would be fun to play.
First congratz to the draft, it was really fun to watch.
But seriously: This guy in the last round was just so goddamn lucky. He knew what he was doing, I’ll give him that. But that luck o.O
He got all 5 coloured mana in his starting hand in game 1. Then topdecked the second wild growth the second he needed it, + had only useful cards in hand while the threecolour deck of Simon both times got stuck on mana problems. And second game it was nearly the same. This time he had to look for one colour, but drawing the dragon then… That is just very conveniant.
If your deck would have been as lucky as his, maybe the round 3 couldve been a lot more entertaining for both sides. That’s magic for you.
Thanks Van Phanel for the explanation … I completely understood that one wrong.
And thanks Simon for your vids … these are really good because your explain your choices, during the draft and the game … really helpfull for a beginner like me
Thanks for the great draft, didn’t even know you posted here. Will definitely check back more often.
The infiltrator is a bit better than you give it credit, Once you hit 8 mana (4 of which are blue) you can use it to repeatedly swap your worst creature for their best, assuming they don’t have 2UU untapped. There was at least one game you could have done this, though I think you won it anyway.
Totally disagree with Brian, You want Quicksilver Dagger, especially in multiples. it’s pure card advantage that turns your do-nothing 1/1s into game stabilizers. The only way dagger is not an even trade with removal is if they use it at instant speed on-cast, in every other scenario it is one of the best cards in the format. I 3rd and 4th picked 2 daggers which I rode to a 6-0 finish precisely because they let me draw roughly half my deck each game.