Simon Says #6: Innistrad‘s Color Pairs


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Draft and Deckbuilding

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Innistrad Draft, Round 1

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  1. I’m pretty sure Mulch is the pick over Wreath of Gheists. You have no way to put Creatures into your yard before turn 3 and all your Drakes and Lhurgoyfs can’t be used before turn.

  2. After playing with Wreath of Geists, I have to agree with you both. I’m glad I got to try out the uncommon aura in such a deck but Mulch would have added much more value and synergy.

  3. I love combodrafting. It’s cool and entertaining when it pays off. But I was a bit sad that Gnaw to the Bone didn’t get the cut. I was looking forward to see it in action in a deck like this. And I also noticed you would have won 2 of the games you lost if it was in there instead of Sensory Deprivation.

    But entertaining videos, am looking forward for the next one.

  4. Your deck was cool and synergistic but I still think that UG is one of the worst draft archetypes in Innistrad. I mean, your one was the nut selfmill deck and it still was somehow clunky. I had a very similar UG deck at GP Milan with 2 splinterfrights, some self-mill (mindshrieker, deranged assistant, the 1/4…) but that didn’t work out that great. The deck was fine and when it worked it made some filthy stuff, but it was much less consistent than it needed… With double splinterfright and cagebreaker, though, you definitely chose the right route in this draft!

  5. Great draft Simon. You’ve quickly become one of my favorite drafters to watch. I like that you’ve tried the UG archetype; it’s something that I’ve been thinking of but never had an opportunity to make. I completely agree that spider spawning isn’t the put in all decks bomb that everyone makes it out to be. I think you may have to reevaluate inquisitor’s flail, with the right evasion/tap/unblockable/bounce cards (many of which you can pick up late) it is an absolute beating.

  6. Very cool draft! That’s as good of a spawning as I’ve ever seen, too bad you couldn’t rip that last land to hold him off in the final game.

    Your focus on the educational, especially in the intro videos, is something rare (mythic, perhaps?) in the draft video community. I only started drafting ‘seriously’ during ROE, so I can tell you that they’re very helpful to the less experienced. Thank you for posting!

  7. I would like to second what nolander said here. You explain your positions and choices very well for us limited noobs.


  8. also, what was up with that swamp!? never seen a singleton card show up so frequently in opening hands

  9. Simon, your videos are certainly among the best on the web. Your detailed explanations show your innate talents as an educator. Your discipline and commitment to your strategy is inspiring! I don’t think I could’ve so easily passed the Brimstone Volley, much less the Devil’s Play! Bravo!

  10. I enjoyed round 2, when you milled yourself to 0 and still won!

    Who needs a Laboratory Manic card when you, the player is the Laboratory Maniac! Nice calculations.

  11. Simon –

    I adore your videos, but I do think it was a mistake R1G2 on Turn 9 not to attack with the viper and then 2nd mainphase your dudes. I don’t think you’re blocking the pitchburn cuz you don’t want the occultist to die.

    Same thing on Turn 10! What am I missing here?


  12. Thanks again for all the feedback and comments, I really appreciate it! You are the reason why I put so much effort into each of these videos :).

    @Zach: Yes, I simply played too defensively these turns and missed 2-4 damage as a result. There was just too much stuff to think about, I believe that if my deck would have been any more complex I probably wouldn’t have been able to reasonably play and commentate at all!

  13. I would’ve taken the Runic Repetition over the second Lost in the Mist. If you pick up a Memory’s Journey it allows you to mill the entire deck without losing, which could be relevant with two splinterfrights.