Simon Says #7: Traitorous Blood


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Draft and Deckbuilding

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Innistrad Draft, Round 1

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  1. Dead Weight over Mikaeus?! Really?
    Mikaeus can be splashed in every deck. It wins games. It can come down any turn (except turn 1). It can become big or pump your crowd. It is worth some money. It’s a bomb. Games have, are and will be lost to this single card, it’s a true bomb.
    Dead Weight can remove a creature with 2 toughness or less.


  2. The problem with “…can be splashed in every deck” is that even one card requires you to play the mana sources to be able to cast it. This is particularly dangerous in a deck that has a lot of double colored mana requirements and I felt this archetype does not need Mikaeus as much as reliable mana at the right time.

  3. It seems Furor of the Bitten beat Traitorous Blood in the weak-card-that-makes-an-archetype contest!

  4. I wouldn’t ever splash Mikaeus in a deck with less than 17 other creatures. His deck had 13, including a 7 drop mythic that needs early games cards to get going.

    That pick isn’t controversial and Mikaeus is almost actively bad in that deck. It sucks for him he had a deck with so much removal and he loses to a card like Furor of the Bitten.

    One reason I hate Olivia Voldaren is she is so strong she absolutely wins the game if you don’t have removal for her immediately. All of the common removal is actively bad against her, she’s a horribly designed card.

    I wasn’t a fan of the deck as it was put together, since Traitorous Blood is highly situational, running more than two is horrible. I also think it is always wrong to draw in this format due to werewolves being so much better on the play.

  5. uggh… disappointed to see no Round 3 with this deck. i really like the idea of abusing traitorous blood and its a shame this deck couldn’t have won the draft flat out.

  6. I’ve definitely gotten blown out by the R/B Traitorous Blood deck before. I don’t think it’s the most powerful hands down, but it’s definitely an option to keep in mind, if nothing else but to rescue a draft going south.

  7. You can still equip the Hauberk after stealing the Mikaeus in M1G3. Choosing targets happens before you pay the cost, so you can equip the Hauberk to Mikaeus and sac Mikaeus to do so.

  8. I loved the deck but honestly after that mess that was M2G1 you deserved to lose. You had that guy dead like 3 turns before he conceded and you needllessly strung him along. Into the Maw his dude + land gets him to 8 and you have 2 dudes, a sac outlet and a 5 dmg volley in hand. Not cool man.

  9. Having him play more cards and seeing his deck = more advantage. Its a chance to abuse information. Not dick at all. Imagine if he played Olivia instead of Juggs the turn before he decided to concede. That wouldve been very helpful information.

  10. That’s nonsense. Simon showed a ton of cards in those last three turns thus giving his opponent information as well. He could have shown just the into the maw and been done. As it was, he showed the maw and a bunch more.

  11. I completely disagree with Kev. When did this become an emotional rather than tactical game? There is no gentleman’s agreement to use all your spells as soon as possible to try to win for fear of being perceived as slow rolling or stringing along.