Standard Spike: Burning Vengeance in Standard

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  1. In Round 1, Game 1, at 10:49, when you were mana screwed (out of red), why didn’t you discard a Desperate Ravings at end of turn and then cast it to dig for a red mana source? Was it worth more to you to hide that you were playing a combo list with red than to hope that you could pull out of the screw?

  2. dat sound at the end of round 3

    so you’re really just dead to thrun or anything with shroud

    was really hoping to see a match against red. how do you sideboard in that matchup?

  3. Match 3, Game 3: HE was referring to you having Mana Leak for Lashwrithe on the last turn, which you did. He would have won if you had leaked it, so well played with the Grudge!

  4. Woohoo! There’s not enough constructed content on the net, glad to this come out so fast

  5. in game 2 match 1, had you flashed in smapcaster mage on the turn before playing slagstorm you could have traded it and killed a traveler and then the slagstorm could have killed all but one token. especially being that he played the spellbomb and you weren’t going to get anything good out of the snapcaster.

  6. In Round 1 G3 you could have ancient grudged his token, snapped back the doomblade to deal 2 at the splicer and blade the hero. This would have saved you mana the following turn and let you just flashback spells. I can see how it’s easy to lose track of these interactions which makes me like the deck. lol

    Also it’s easy to forget that just because you target with Extraction that mtgo doesn’t take it out of the graveyard. It’s super tilting when you realize the flashback deck still gets their flashback spells because of that. :(