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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Standard Spike: 1/23/2011 Extended PTQ, Part 1”.
Aren’t two Jace too little? I mean it is the best walker in Standard.
oops extended plus it just wins some games by itself like you saw
There are a plethora of cheap, 3 mana and under answers to Jace, not to mention bloodbraid elf in response to tapping out for jace is almost always better.
How did that RDW player go 4-0? Mana Barbs in extended shows a distinct lack of understanding about what is good right now, or even good with your own deck. Not only are people playing a ton of enchantment hate, but it is a terrible late game topdeck, and in every matchup you would want to resolve it, Koth is better. Barbs was only decent when there was limited playable burn, but in extended you can play 12-18 excellent burn spells, so there’s absolutely no need.
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no Problems for me – worked fine
Nice videos! and they work fine.
Yay _shipit videos!
Oh noes they are replays… well, I can’t blame him for not recording live during a PTQ.
those work fine.
However many other videos reload painfuly and slowly, sometimes I have to wait hours until I can watch a 30 minutes long vid (and my internet connection is fine).
Don’t forget the option to download the whole thing while you are doing other things and then watch without streaming.
@Carrotus Do you have a cable/DSL connection?
As “Just Helping” stated, I don’t feel like Jace is that amazing in the current format. It is good in some situations but I think that it is bad often enough to warrant playing less than 4 copies.
lol spoilers in video three.
Match 2 you say you sideboarded out Jace, but then there’s one in your opening draw?