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You can still Scry on turn 3 with your Bloodghast with a fetchland by responding to the Scry with a fetchland activation.
Play fetchland >
Sacrifice Blooghast to Visera Seer’s ability >
Bloodghast goes to the graveyard as a part of the cost >
Scry goes on the stack >
Sacrifice fetchland in response to the Scry >
Search your Swamp >
Bloodghast’s ability goes on the stack >
Bloodghast comes back >
Good videos, really happy the last game wasn’t against Cawblade, constantly watching videos against cawblade isn’t much fun. But the deck seems fun to play and definately viable as you showed.
Also I thought I saw your name pop up as the winner of the Philly PTQ before I realised that it was spelt diff, I then go into the tourney report and realise the quarter final was Sipitholla vs Shipitholla hmmm… lol
Not bad for not playing Vamps all the time. Would have been nice if there was a bit more of a variation instead of 3 Claw-Blade decks then Boros. I think a few more Staggershock would have been more useful then Burst Lightning but, I see why you wanted them too.
In M3G3 you could just attack with the Pulse Tracker and then sac 4 guys to deal the last 8 damage, this way playing around condemn.
you play goot
Maybe I shouldn’t even watch these without commentary… You surely explain, but I need to ask: why don’t you attack with your Vampire Lacerator when the opponent has only a Kor Firewalker to block?
milegy: I don’t recall his exact explanation, but he did reason out that decision. Watching his videos with the sound on is definitely worthwhile.
Did every game open with Stoneforge Mystic? Or just almost all of them? Yeah, the variety is slaying me.
Can’t fault the players though, they’re gonna follow the good cards. Seems out of place seeing the same opening from the premier control and aggro decks, though.
absolutely love how you play. keep making content, and tell so many trolls that we don’t hate him.
I never liked Vampires due to the lack of good lords and the weakness to pyroclasm. I play caw-blade and I love getting paired vs Vampires, and post board is even better. I know I prefer 1 Hero of Bladehold and 1 Sun Titan maindeck, but people are now running multiple Emeria Angels which seem awesome vs Vamps.
Having played it a fair amount (Testing only, I hate tribal decks) I found 1 Manic Vandal maindeck to be great, since your deck is nothing but crappy 2/2s and you play 0 artifacts, not to mention you can scry him away if need be. I also prefer it to crush in the board, they don’t even use sword until they are stabilized so crush is only good vs Boros, and Vandel is fine there too.
Anyone who is thinking of playing this, switch Demon of Death’s Gate with Mark of Mutiny, which not only combos with Viscera Seer, but is good vs Valakut and RUG (Valakut will beat you regardless of your board plan, they are heavily favored pre and post board).
Great videos. Vamps definitely are slightly underpowered. No good mythic rare to boost its overall power level still makes it a dog to caw-blade.
Congrats on your “Q”! Hard work pays off!
@BANE: Good point!
@milegyenanevem: I think I had a Gatekeeper or another removal spell in hand. Otherwise, I would probably attack there.
@drn: I actually forgot to include Captivating Vampire, which I like as a 1-2 of. Personally, I’ve disliked playing aginst Vampires with CawBlade, but if the deck is built well it’s probably not a bad matchup after all.
Yeah, there should be 1-2 Vandals/Crushes, especially to compete with Batterskull in the future.