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I can’t believe how much you undervalue nonbasic lands. They need to move up your draft order drastically.
When he played Upheaval I rofl’ed
Haha, that was an insane ending to round one. I’m not sure why he didn’t attack to eat your time up.
Really sweet to see the Cube – thanks for the videos, Academy.
Palinchron was a pretty bad pick, but you already knew that.
You didn’t take lands nearly high enough, especially when you decided that you were gonna go 4/5 color awesome deck,
which turned into midrange jund, which always makes me cry.
I loved your commentary and knowledge, which is more comforting than Marshall’s uncertainty in new formats. I hope you have time/courage to do one more of these.
Thanks for some really enlightening moments into Magic gameplay.
in m1g2 you could float 4 blue and replay venser. you probably still lose, but it is worth noting.
also, never pass batterskull. just…don’t.
i love the cubes, and would very much like to see more!
with so little time on clock board into more lands and less lategame for faster starts :/
also many thanks really enjoyed it cuz i could not play this weekend! thx!
Draft 1 – awesome deck – though I also wonder about palinchron. Unfortunately you ran into the “mirror” that could go over the top. Your eary game were pretty even – your midgame was better (4cc walkers etc.) but with rofellos and cradle he could bypass the midgame. At the end you played two lands even when you were clearly in F6 mode and (and thought for 1 sec about top decking the Force) and those ended up costing you. As you pointed out he should have beaten you anyway if he had been attacking so its easier to swallow.
Draft 2 R1G2… ugh
When he upheavaled and you mystic snaked it… you could have just floated 6 and snaked something he played after, played treespeaker next turn and been on parody with him or maybe slightly ahead WITH force. You thought about letting it resolve a little too late. I would think to deck him at that point since he was on like 14 cards and doesnt really have a clock in his deck.
Y u no pick my sweet Processor for your Tinker?
You are not compleat!
Processor is uncomfortably all-in in cube. Sure, sometimes you just play it turn 4 and make 10/10s until they’re dead. The aggro decks pressure your life total too much, though, and the green decks are very often going to turn it into “pay 10 life, add a counter to wickerbough elder: nothing”. Which makes it really good against… UW and UB control.
Love the content, and I am loving cube myself! As soon as they start normal cube drafting, let’s see some regular cube vids up in here.
R1G2… Should’ve saved the Will for after little Sorin’s ultimate. Then replay big Sorin and put him to 10 and kill him w/ anything.
I didn’t like this cube in general. Too many wraths, too many armageddons, and too many highly situational and bad cards (Exhume, Reanimate, Mystical Tutor).
They spoon fed the red aggro deck and made it slightly too powerful because the rest of the cube is so inconsistent.
Then there are the unfun cards. Bitterblossom, the sword cycle, and a few others. I won in the finals of a draft with T1 bitterblossom on the play thanks to Mox Diamond.
I could personally do without Vampiric and Demonic Tutor and some of the fast mana that if you build your deck right are basically unbeatable.
Right after you say your deck is trying to ramp, you pass Gaea’s Cradle…..and then you pass up on Hoofprints of Spring, which is on color, and a rediculous combo with Palinchron….{double facepalm}…You don’t do eternal, I can tell. Its ok though, because if this cube stays around, and you draft it some more, you’ll get to know these interactions.
It was entertaining nonetheless, and I appreciate your time and effort! Keep up the good work (Oh, and congrats man!)
Actually it’s about 50/50 with fixing in my opinion. You can seriously first pick fixing, but miss out on a much more powerful build. I think it’s more about knowing the depth of the cards and their power in cube drafts. As the guy says in draft 1, “I don’t think there’s a way we can break this card..”. Anyways, I was really kind of disappointed by the 10:00 time limit on building. Even in a regular draft it’s fifteen minutes IRL. This was great to see, cube drafting for prizes on mtgo. I think it’s a exciting format. Thanks for sharing it with us!
playing lands and attacking with clique was just plain stupid youve been on mtgo long enough to do the math on how much time you lose on 7 attacks
if you auto f6′ed after replaying revoker i think you win
Draft #2 R1G2 You could have tutored for Rude Awakening to make all your lands untapped and also creatures for Gaea’s Cradle in order to go off with Yawgmoth’s Will.
Why wouldn’t you do swiss…? It would make for a much better video.
The 2nd draft was horrible Yawgmoth’s Will isnt a great card in multi-color decks Restock is better and Dark Ritual and Wood Elves over Elesh Norn and Batterskull i had to stop watching
Yawg’s will is far, far better than Restock.
I love the way you think and would be terrified to face you in the finals of a real card tournament with no time limit in the finals! Your thought process is incredible and I really appreciate your informative commentary.
I heard a rumor that mtgo stopped cube drafts because it was unprofitable. What if mtgo extended the time to 45min per round for cubes, therefor keeping all the players who are concerned with time and playing multiple drafts away from cube. This would lower the amount of players spending money on cube drafts and therefor keep their(mtgos’)losses to a minimum?
I got into a F6 war with an opponent while we each had less than 3 minutes to go and won the match because my internet connection was fractionally higher. ( my clock actually went to 00:00 when his clock was at 00:01 )
Anywho, thanks for the awesome content!
Josh they stopped them because they planned on stopping them. This was a test run. They’ll be back for sure, but I’m not 100% on when and if it will be for a longer period of time or just a weekend every now and then.
<> As said, they were planned to stop all along – this was preview weekend to coincide with PAX.
That said, it is profitable. Winners get 12 packs in a 8-4 for a total of 48 tix. Players pay 56 tix to play the thing so they are gaining at least 8 tix. When you consider that 56 is pure tix (which come only from the store) and not packs which nobody buys from the store anyway it looks really good for wizards to do these. 4-3-2-2s and Swiss are even better for then as they give less packs.