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You are currently browsing comments. If you would like to return to the full story, you can read the full entry here: “Standard Spike: Innistrad Block Constructed PE”.
At the end of R4G3, you could have just double Brimstone Volley-ed his/her face since you turned on morbid by killing his token off your flipped Huntmaster.
And yeah, you definitively should work on your top decking skills xD
I often notice you are very hesitant to flip Huntmaster.
Sometimes there is the possibility of them having an instant to ruin the fun, but in R6G1 f.e. you got the easiest flip. You can wolfrun your huntmaster killing his skaab, dealing 2 extra damage in the process, flip your huntmaster, deal another 2 damage.
The best way to abuse huntmaster is making him flip, because then they are force to sweep.
You often only let huntmaster flip when you already have the advantage or when your opponents do it by not casting anything, work on that and youll see your games improve drastically.
I enjoy these. Thank you for your hard work.
RG weak-aggro is my least favorite of the non-established block decks. its lack of definitive removal in the form of sever, tragic slip, dissipate, and lack of long game with bloodgift demon, desperate ravings, snapcasters, etc…. make this deck the weakest of the 3 recent profiled decks on academy (talking, jund, RUG control, and RG-aggro).
i agree with your assesment at the end with regards to deck tuning. pilgrim is ok… but i removed the elk and putin geist flame. the 1 pt instant answer for turn 1 champions and stromkirks, and opposing mana dorks is too good in this fast format. the elk never gets you to a 4 drop a turn faster, and your green is always taken up with things like geist and other werewolves.
however, i have seen you 4-0 a few dailies with this deck… so i have no doubt that with ‘better topdecking’ that you may have prized in this PE… .but i just like RUG and JUND a little better.
You had fourteen damage with the elk and two hellriders: 2+3(2)=8,then 1(2)x3=6 and one damage from the youth to them during the upkeep with one life left.
(Tilt tilt tilt)
–still love ya though!
@ Abon – Youth damage is at the end of turn, not during the upkeep. The game ends with his opponent’s crack back before the flipped youth kills his opponent.
I love this deck, but this video series highlighted its weaknesses. You can’t beat dredge. You can grind with RUG and Jund, but you can’t do so if you hit a land pocket. I’m eagerly awaiting Avacyn, and seeing which take on 3 color humans turns out to be the best.
Oh, okay. Though I failed to rtfc, I appreciate pointing out the obvious.
A high land count + 8 mana dorks is going to contribute to some pretty terrible topdecking/inconsistency, though your draws here were clearly exceptionally poor. 1-2 Faithless Looting would be awkwardly out of place in a ‘good’ draw, but would go a long way to smoothing the bad ones + getting you out of land clumps.
All fairly irrelevant with AVR on the rise, though!
I’ve been playing this deck for awhile and the only change i made was to drop a wolf run and add a second grotto. Wolf Run is good, but too many times I would draw it, or have it in my opening hand and wish it was a mountain or a forest.
With 26 land and plenty of mana guys, dawn treader elk seems like too much ramp. Daybreak ranger is a must kill creature for boros and zombies. If the ranger flips, you can sit back a kill just about everything and even if doesn’t, it can pick off those pesky midnight haunting tokens. The elk just end up chump blocking something for more land.
I’m hoping that AVR will spice things up a bit, but I fear that it will only make R/W humans better. most of the good cards in the set are red or white (and let’s throw in cavern of souls and the r/w +2/0 hast land for good measure). Graftdiggers cage will also shut down most reanimator strategies that may show up. I guess we’ll find out this weekend!
I have played in a lot of DE’s, and I have always run into and lost to Ship it Holla, and wondered who it is. Now it’s you. Well at least I know who I have lost to, haha.
If I am 2-0, I always end up playing you and going 2-1. Thanks bud
Yeah I tried this deck and his weakness made me stop trying … As it is it’s a worse version of boros with a better mirror match … Boros is still (by far) the most represented deck in daily and premier events, but you can’t beat dredge, you’ll have really bad match up against RBG control, against jund, against UR delver stalker noble, etc …
I’m playing frites in block and it’s actually pretty cool, match up against boros is hard but you can do it and some draws are really fun to play with … (Unfortunately people are starting to catch up and there is more and more graveyard hate post sb. It’s still more than playable, though).
I know all of those decks are irrelevant since AVR goes live in 8 days, but you should give it a try if you have time to spare.
Congratulation on your PTQ second place by the way, I was kinda sad for you
(For Frites deck list, you can look at youbun’s deck, for example, or mine (Bazoocam) )
I was definitely cringing at the end of match 3 game 1 because I thought you forgot to factor in the Unholy Fiend damage, but sure enough it’s on the beginning of the end step. Doesn’t get much closer than that.