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Havent finished watching but M2G1 there is a point where you say “i cant pay 2 life here it gives him too many outs” but if you sac angel for conscripts going to 2 you have lethal on board versus empty hand unless Im missing something, as he blocks huntmaster and takes 8 and has 7 life.
you say m1g1 you couldn’t play any differently at the end… But you could have, a lot. i don’t think its the role of the RGx deck to sit around and wait against delver. just because you have a “better end game” than they do doesn’t mean they can’t amass an advantage through your conservative play. Not attacking with llanowar elf because you are worried about ambush viper snapcaster is just a mistake 99% of the time… because even if he does have it its almost definitely not worth killing a llanowar elf. you dont attack with huntmaster for the same reason later, and i think its fine there generally, but i would have thought about weather or not he had a snapcaster for a little longer than you did instead of just saying “i dont want to run into a snapcaster here”.
Also, m2g2 you miss a point with bonfire for no reason, since you aren’t casting your image anyway.
I still refuse to watch without a Deadeye Navigator in the 75!
R3, in general and in particular G3 was very instructive. Awesome job.
Unbelievable that someone would deny themselves this series just because their favorite card doesn’t make your 75.
@ Mark re: elf attack. Stone rain (aka “ambush viper snapcaster”) against RGx pod can often be pretty good, especially since random mana dorks frequently get upgraded in the late game for giests and images.
is deadeye that good in RUG pod? i haven’t seen any vids with him in. it doesn’t work very well with phantasmal image unfortunately, and is it really better than inferno titan? you’re podding your good targets away to get to the navvy as well… maybe its an entirely different deck at that point. link?
Mike…homey…comrade…it is pronounced “freets”; not “frights”.
mike homey comrade
@ Abon. No. No its not. It is French-Rites -> Fr-ites (“frights”)
Here is the link to the original Deck Tech with Raphael Levy, he makes this abundantly clear 43 seconds in.
‘f’-rites. french. rites. it’s not too hard.
I have a question…
M2, G1: At 15 minutes, I agree with the Inferno Titan play which drew out the Mana Leak. That Mana Leak was also the last card in his hand, if my sight has not betrayed me. He has no cards in hand, therefore he has no way to play anything. His board is two Restoration Angels, yours is a Ravager of the Fells, a 2/2 Wolf Token, a Metamorph in the shape of Restoration Angel, and a Birds of Paradise. Opponent has 7 life and you have 4.
Now question: If he has no cards in hand, why not lose the two life, sac the Angel, search for Conscripts, steal one of his Angels, and attack with everything (except the Bird since it was used for Pod)? You would have been attacking with a Ravager, an Angel, a Conscripts, and a Wolf–total attack being12 damage. Your distraught opponent has no cards in hand and his only choice was to block the Ravager, thus preventing a measly 4 life. Consequently killing your opponent by dealing 8 damage.
Why not do that? Or am I missing something? If I’m right, then you missed a kill right there. That kill would have made being at 2 life irrelevant.
the french dudes called it “freets” as in pommes frites.