Standard Spike: Puresteel In Standard

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  1. I tried this Puresteel list and fell prey to mana issues more often than I cared for.

    I really want Puresteel to work; drawing cards in non-blue decks is fun :(

  2. I really love this series, thank you so much for making these videos!

    I vote for U/w Illusions next week, that Todd Anderson just wrote about on SCG.

  3. Thank You for this. I was thinking of playing this deck a couple of weeks ago but with Mentor added although Im not too sure if I want to play standard atm. As for suggestions- Sorins Vengeance.dek would be fun.

  4. I played the deck once more with a few changes and have decided that Preordain was more important to the deck than I realized. I actually think the deck could be good right now, but it has been too inconsistent for me.

    @Rick, I was contemplating playing that deck anyways so that will probably be my choice.

    @moerutora, I appreciate hearing that :) Mentor isn’t bad at all, but it’s not exactly what the deck wants to be doing. It’s kinda the opposite of Puresteel Paladin (Paladin generates virtual mana and free cards, Mentor eats up mana and generates cards at a cost, one is compellingly fast, the other very slow).

  5. really enjoy the vids. you make some stupid mistakes sometimes, but i think apart from that you play constructed better than anyone i have seen.

  6. Definitely ran slightly under EV, but whatever’s the case, deck seems a bit too unfocused. Virtues are really low impact and are really only acceptable with haunting. I’m the guy who likes cute synergetic interactions more than anything, but it feels like doing all these things in the same deck just won’t work on consistent basis.

    Really sweet videos anyway