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It’s really too bad your opponent misclicked in the first round…
More Unburial Rites seems good here. It plays nicely with Alchemy, and Sun Titan + Phantasmal Image chains are rediculous! +2 Rites -1 Day – Blade Splicer is where i’d go with this. This list seems solid after this minor change. As always, it was fun to watch you play and thank you for your dedication to our entertainment!
I’ve played a similar version to this deck, I’m not going to go over the exact card changes but its got the same Alchemy/Scour/Titan/Souls splits.
What I realized is I actually hate Haunted Fengraf, since I never have problems finding a titan and I have never needed to go infinite on them, which doesn’t even work because it is random.
What I added instead was a Buried Ruin and Batterskull. Not only does it help to have a 4 drop, it absolutely beats zombies and is good in general. Suiting up a token has been surprisingly good as well.
Just something to think about. I’m still not sure how many DOJ I want main/board vs other removal spells. I also like having a 1-of Liliana as a Titan target – because Titan into edict is sometimes the only out.
Round 4 game 3 when you played O-Ring into your own Ratchet Bomb, you still could have removed your own Blade Splicer, let Ring resolve and then pop Ratchet Bomb to get a new Splicer and Golem.
If you o-ring the blade splicer in that last sequence, you would end up with a blaceslicer and an o-ring to take out the hero.
I noticed you chose to O-ring honor the pure instead of moorland haunt in the final match, and earlier you chose to O-ring something (sword or honor the pure maybe?) rather than moorland haunt. Why not get rid of the haunt?
Cuz, you know, you can O-Ring Haunts…
Is it f4 you use to skip to opponents end step to play instants if they do nothing on their turn?
I’ve seen in 2 videos now that you expand your graveyard (or something similar) in the lower right. This is covered by the MTGOAcademy badge, so we can’t see what you’re doing.
Please consider changing you behavior or the badge location to fix this.
Hey _ShipIt! I’m loving the standard daily’s you’ve been doing. Keep up the deck building.
This deck is actually a deck I’ve been running since the Image was printed. Lately, given the meta, there are a lot of G/W, Mono B, and G/R decks floating around pretty heavily. I converted the deck into a more “Caw-Blade” style of a deck and it’s been WAY more consistent. I used to run 3 Sun Titan and 3 Image vs. your 4 Sun Titan and 2 Image due to my fear of Geist and Thrun, but my meta is much more aggro so there are always valid targets for him by turn 4. Elspeth, Sorin, Snapcaster, and Lingering Souls give this deck the ability to run as Caw-Blade while keeping the Sun Titan/Image combo going.
Have you considered running Swords to finish out games more consistently? I found that if I didn’t resolve a Titan in earlier versions, I lost.
I’ve been playing this but I added more Isolated Chapels and another Swamp, and I added 2 Liliana over the Ratchet Bomb and an O-Ring. It’s been well well worth it.
I wonder if it’s just better to replace haunted fengraf with a colored mana producer. Toying around with this deck, I rarely use the fengraf, and in most of those games I’m already winning, due to it being a late-game play. The mana is pretty good but it could be better in the early game when this deck is most vulnerable.
What’s your reasoning of playing thought scour over think twice? Think twice is guaranteed to get you an additional card while thought scour has a chance of getting another card via flashback. For a control deck, the incremental card advantage seems more important.
@BT, Haunted Fengraf has been very good for me partially because it’s free to play. Buried Ruin isn’t terrible in that slot but it basically requires you to put a singleton card from your library into your graveyard to be relevant.
@Van Phanel, Derp. Good point.
@Eluvial, I believe F4 passes priority until your opponent plays a spell or ability. I actually never use that though. I just F8, F6 on occasion, and F2 a lot. I also have these buttons linked to my mouse buttons. It’s pretty sweet.
@Ca-Caw, I haven’t really considered Swords because they generally require pretty specific game states to be good in. I also don’t know what matchups I’d really want them in.
@Disco, I use Fengraf very often and am often wondering if I can afford to play 2 (generally when I’m getting flooded and haven’t drawn it).
@Anonymous, Think Twice costs significantly more mana to use than Thought Scour does. Thought Scour also has synergy with numerous cards in the deck.