We like to think that we are better than our opponents. We regularly spot mistakes, after all. In this episode, I talk about why you should give your opponent the respect they deserve.
Tag Archives: Theros
Graham & James can’t wait and jump into a rare draft, full of some live-the-dream plays.
“[R]emarquant que cette vérité, j’appelle las cartes, donc je suis, étoit si ferme et si assurée, que toutes les plus extravagantes suppositions des sceptiques n’étoient pas capables de l’ébranler, je jugeai que je pouvois la recevoir sans scrupule pour le premier principe de la Magie que je cherchois.” –Descartes
Journey into Nyx has shaken up the draft format immensely, and if you ask me, Theros limited is better than ever. With games going just a bit longer, slower strategies have a chance to shine. It’s official, control decks are back!
Windmill Slam perform for us with the first Journey Into Nyx-legal Theros Block draft on MTGO Academy!
This week LoadingReadyRun presents TWO wacky drafts, including a 5-Color Theros Disasterpiece!
Theros Block is now complete, and the spoiler season for Journey into Nyx, the final set of the block, has ended! Check out all the cards from the set here!