Enderfall takes a look at the results of the 134-person MTGO Vintage tournament from this past weekend to see what it means for both Vintage in general and Vintage online!
Tag Archives: VMA
Even failure can be instructive, but when it comes to Vintage Masters, does failing a lot mean learning a lot more? Find out with Chris and A.J.
For this episode, I take a look at the Vintage Masters commons that I’ve drafted the most. In which archetypes do they belong, and why do I favor them? Check out this episode and let me know which cards you’ve drafted the most!
Enderfall jumps into a Vintage Daily Event with a Metalworker deck that has seen some success in recent paper events. Does the deck translate to the online metagame?
Vintage is here at last! RexDart snapped up some Power Nine and hit the 2-man queues for some early constructed action. How is Vintage faring in its first days, and what should we expect going forward?
Prize support for Eternal formats were announced this week causing a lot of anger, confusion, and worry. Enderfall tries to lay everything out and suggests what can be done to fix things.
With Vintage on the horizon, it’s time to send off Classic with the last Classic tournament ever. Come see how enderfall fared in the tournament and how he’ll remember the format.