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Actually, Brushwaggs are strange moving bushes that can trap creatures inside them. They won’t hurt them, but probably make them sick.
according to some google search result that cites no sources and is just a red page with that sentence and a picture of the card
How official!
brushwagg reminds me of the velveteen rabbit for some reason
I watched this video at work. I have now been written up.
Beardo sounds like a B team He-man character who wear iron man panties and craps authority!
I am sorry you have been reprimanded. But the world in which live must be torn asunder, reduced to crushed tylenol, in order for us to transphase past the physical limitations of our 3-D perceptions and inherit the Godhead.
In other words, tell you boss I said he can go…
What bothers me more than anything on this list is that Caltrops cares not whether you’re flying, unblockable, on a horse, or just ferreting around, you’re taking 1 damage.
Brushwagg is embarrassed to be itself.