The Drawing Board with Travis R. Chance: Vol. 6

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  1. Getting your girl to join in was a good idea. I think this was the most enjoyable episode so far in this series. I never noticed there were so many bears in bearscape!

  2. I thought this would either would be received well, or be a platform for personal attack. Either way, we rewatched last night and I do think it’s a nice change of pace.

  3. I have this little theory that all computer mics are build to make every women sound like a godess…
    This video proves it again.

    Also nice work both of you.
    I like how you always bring up old movies everyone knows to perfectly describe what you are seeing.

  4. I’ve had a long and frustrating day trying to assemble my new computer, and I’m also totally spent after a really hard workout, so this was just what I needed to cheer me up a bit.

    Awesome stuff, you two.


  5. Regardless of the content, I find your video’s both hilarious and informative – a nice, personalised presentation style that I like a lot. Keep doing them dude – thumbs up from me.

  6. Exxa, what does a goddess sound like, and what does a mortal sound like? When I record, I sound like Steve Urkek’s rabbinical apprentice, so maybe I have my settings all wrong.

  7. I’ve noticed it too but also you’ve mentioned it quite often in your vids.
    You do this also in your deck-techs and so on…

  8. it was indeed a good change of pace, but you didnt seem to get into your usual funflow.