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Nice article, although it was a little short on actual advice imo. Just ’10.000 hours of actual practice makes you a master, no less.’
A little information on how you’d suggest we go about mastering things other than the very basic and obvious would have been nice.
That said, I still liked the article. But more as a fun little read than (magic) advice of some kind.
How would one divide this 10’000 hours between learning cards and card interactions, deckbuilding and actual playing skills.
The wrong cut between these 3 could make your 10’000 hours a much larger amount.
Only joking, 10’000 hours?! I don’t have that kinda time for anything!
footnote #1 –> except humility*?
interesting article, and you know, 8 hours a day, 3.5 years, 12 hours a day = mastery in under 2 and a half years! great deal :-p
The context of “accept” is the correct one, friend.
It would be interesting to do an article series on very specific Magic concepts- from deck building and general strategy to data mining and trying to “time” what decks people will be playing for a specific tournament. There are a lot of ways to lose before you get to the tournament itself.
what does it mean to “accept” humility? humility means the quality or condition of being humble and is a trait that you have or don’t have.
Mastery is not necessarily about logging 10,000 hours of rigorous training. Mastery is more about a deep Understanding of the game; deeper than simply knowing the best combos in each format, or which deck archetypes are dominating the so-called “Metagame.” Having facts is great; however, they are so many ropes of sand without the Understanding to masterfully coordinate all of these facts into an unstoppable war engine.
Im sure if you did log up 10’000 hours, the understand of those things would surely come. If not I very much suggest changing your activity as not to waste another 10’000 hours on something that you will essentially never ‘get’.
Anzsilly: did you happen to notice when you were copying and pasting from your digi-dictionary that it is also a verb (and not a preposition)? This would mean that the footnote would not make sense or be grammatically correct. Now, no more nitpicking