The Observor: Confessions of an Aging Gamer

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  1. Oh the Outback… How I went from 150 lbs. to 190 in a single year of blissful inertia.

  2. On the reflexes too bad @ 24. Do you remember how amazing you destroyed SNES super mario with all the secret levels @ like 10? Yeah, try that again @ 24, freaking terrible.

    I also play Heroes of Newerth, which is similar to Starcraft in the sense that it is an RTS…. It actually measures actions per minute at the end of games, and you can tell who did terrible and who did amazing.

  3. Chris and I started into the world of “competitive” starcraft over this past summer. It’s really hard @ 25, I only managed to get my apm up to about 110 after about 4 months of constant play.

  4. My APM peaked at 80. Koreans are my idols! (pssst- raining is Korean-American!) I am pretty good as mass Medic/Marine now!

    Nate, which two friends Q’d with Snuff? I am convinced the best Masques Block deck was UW Rising Waters, but alas, I never got to PTQ with it.

    Drafting got really unhealthy during the Invasion/Odyssey period. I’d hate to think how many 4-mans I did in the span of two years.

  5. It was the monowhite control deck that I qualified Ken and Graham Stein with. It was my first and best deckbuilding success.

  6. And, Zwick, I play League of Legends now, and am a fairly high elo player in it. I guess my skills are just more suited to that style of game than Starcraft :/

  7. Oh man, did you play Wave of Reckoning in it?! And GRAHAM!! q’d?! Wow, I never realized it- with him losing again and again in solomon all-Invasion commons.

    Aside, next time you talk to R&D members, beg them to bring us back to the world of Cho Manno!

    Also, don’t give up on Starcraft… a bunch of top pros were just charged with illegal gambling and game fixing- there is a spot for your grandpa hands!

  8. 28! You’re a spring chicken, lad! Let me know how you feel at 38!!

    I’m Old Man Alex and I’m 38. -_-

    But you’re absolutely right. It’s all about the players. I love going to PTQ’s/GP’s and having a great time with great friends. Win or lose. Winning is better of course but yea, the trip is half the fun.

  9. Aww man, I guess I have nothing to look forward too, seeing as I am just beginning to “get old”. :(

  10. @Christoph: Yes, I played the Reckoning Ball, obv. And no one wants to go back to Mercadia. NO ONE.

    @Alex: I fully expect to be playing the game in a decade, so I’ll definitely let you know how I’m feeling.