The Observor: Winding Down in San Diego

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  1. “That’s part of the reason we schedule Pro Tours in interesting places, so you can make a trip out of it.”

    You decide where Pro Tours are held? Odd I figured that was left to some uppity honcho’s at WotC HQ.

  2. I guess Nate is close enough to Wizards tournament organizers (as one of the official tournament writers) that he sees himself as part of Wizards and therefore the “we” in the statement.
    Nice article Nate. It really sounded like a hell of a good time there.

  3. Yeah, the eventual PT stops are decided by WotC. However, a lot of people get input into where they are going to be, most of whom are part of the event crew for the Pro Tours. Plejades is right that, being around most of these guys on a semi-regular basis, I consider myself part of that crew, hence the we.

    And it certainly was one hell of a good time :)

  4. That breakdancing jpeg may be the best thing I have ever seen. It’s like Milli Vanilli and their forgotten brother Sosilli!

  5. The guy in the back is probably my favorite. The other guys are doing some difficult stuff. He’s just…jumping.