The Rise and Fall of Extended Prices

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  1. I doubt they’ll do anything about it. They’re creating artificial scarcity for these cards which makes a certain population buy more tickets, which then makes them money.

  2. Urza Saga will be online legal in less than 2 weeks

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  3. Chant’s price is mostly irrelevant. Silence does the same thing. If you look at the Legacy decklist there are a few ways to Kick a chant, but having double white available looks pretty unlikely.

  4. platipus – there is really a huge difference between em. I own the deck both online and offline, and play it with silence online (coz I have no chants), and there is really a huge difference.

    If you play chant maindeck, its good vs every deck – control or aggro deck, doesn’t matter it still does what its supposed to do. I have lost plenty of games vs zoo opponents, just because silence doesn’t have the kicker … Those 5-6-10 dmg u save the turn before u are able to cast Ad Nauseam are vital. You cannot expect to do your big turn if u are at 4 life at that point.
    And in these matches, getting WW is absolutely no problem, as there are no wastelands to be feared of.

    Silence is just an OK card, while Chant is trully awesome in that deck.

  5. Thanks for the feedback everyone. As I said in the article, I know almost nothing about Legacy! This article was meant for people getting out of Extended and thinking about what to do with their Extended decks, so please forgive any flaws in my comments on Legacy. Thanks for reading.