The Zen of Magic

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  1. When I first started playing online, a friend of mine showed me this website and specificly cited this article as being a major influence on his approach to playing a match. Nice to see it back. Brings back good memories.

  2. This is a great article, with lessons for both Magic and life.

    I am always repeating this one phrase you mentioned (though I paraphrase it to fit life rather than magic) to my glum friend: “Playing your best game is all you can do – the rest is not under your influence, and therefore should not be your concern.”

    I found you live a happier life keeping that in mind. If it rains when you’re taking a walk, accept it and see what you can do to turn it into an advantage or at the very least make it not bother you. Don’t just curse your luck, roll with the punches and move on when things are beyond your influence.

    It sounds pretty tacky, but just as in Magic: Sometimes you’re stuck with a bad hand. The best you can do is actually making the best of it. You’ll end up being a better person/player for it.

    Again, great article. I didn’t read it before and am glad I got the chance to now!

  3. Great article for both magic and life lol.
    I think the next time I play some games online Im going to open this up, follow the bullet points and try to see if it works, im sure it will as im generally always doing something else as well as playing.
    Attention, attention, attention

  4. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

    This is an excellent article, and should be read by everyone who is serious about anything. When one is playing MtGO and chatting, surfing, etc., then one is not playing MtGO; one is playing MtGO and chatting, surfing, etc. Attention and concentration go hand-in-hand. This simple concept is also at the heart of so-called “western” (called “western” due to geographic prejudice) “Mystery Religions.”

    This article has helped me improve my game greatly, and I look forward to reading more of your articles.

    Love is the law, love under will.
