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Balance unrestriction would probably create some kind of white shop deck =)
Would that deck actually be any good? I mean, assuming no restrictions, would a “White Shop” deck be any better than the current Shop decks? I don’t believe that it will. Mixing in lands that aren’t “Black Lotus” or “Sol Ring” for artifacts has not really worked in the past (See: Goblin Welder decks). It adds too much variability to get consistent wins since you either have to dilute your deck with too many Plains, or hope to not draw 2 or more Balances when you don’t have a single Plains to cast it.
Thanks for doing this survey. I wrote my own article on this issue. My own votes, to be clear, were 1) Yes, 2) Tangle Wire, 3) No, the list is fine, and 4) No.
As for the possible unrestrictions mentioned: I think Wheel could possibly come off if no restrictions were made. Windfall is a fairly similar spell and hasn’t done much. That being said, it wouldn’t do anything to materially change the dynamics of the format (i.e. Workshop dominance). Balance is riskier, in that it would be a major blow to creature decks, but it really wouldn’t affect Stax (the best deck, IMO) and would in fact probably strengthen it by killing off the creature-based decks that have the best match-up against it. Seal would, IMO, make Key-Vault too powerful, even with Misstep in the format, and that would be a bad thing. The other cards aren’t even worth mentioning; they would undoubtedly break the format in half. To be honest, I find it somewhat mind-boggling that people could really think cards like Necro, Fastbond, Flash, and Will should come off the list and it is for those reasons that I would not like the idea of a separate B&R list for PREs, regardless of how much I think the DCI has mismanaged the format.