Unlocking the Vault #8: Dredge Primer, Part 2

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  1. Thanks for the great primer on one of the most popular, powerful and hated archetypes in Vintage and Classic. I found the Vintage final interesting to watch and it clearly shows how different you have to play with and against this type of deck.
    Hope to see more Vintage/Classic archetype primers. Keep up the good work!

  2. Leyline of Sanctiy helps vs B.Bog, as well as vs Crypt, Trap and Spellbomb. Out of the Enchantment Removal Wispmare dind get the love it deserves, you mention Bridge Triggers and being good vs Shops, but left out the Part it cant be Spell Pierced or Mental Mistepped.

  3. Thanks for the comment StewardUlk! You are right, Leyline of Sanctity does stop bog, but it’s simply too narrow of a choice for Dredge since you are most concerned with leyline of the void. You make good points about wispmare. I suppose I took those nice features for granted, but they are especially powerful!

  4. Not like u see Bog that much in classic anyway – but if i know my Oppnent play crypt/spellbomb (instead of relic) Trap and/or Bog i would board the Leyline in.