(This installment of Who’s Your Daddy? marks the beginning of a special weekly series of Commander videos focusing on mono-color decks: The Five Colors of Friendship. Tune in next week for Travis’s mono-black list. — PlanetWalls)
Travis’s Knowning Decklist
Knowning Game
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Knowning Outro
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zipper suit? sounds sexy
He made me wear one too. It’s not really as attractive as it sounds (and I’m even in shape)!
By in shape, Chris means polished pectorals. Def a stud.
Now I’m NOT really a fan of Shinji, I just noticed that his decks, besides the always supergreedy manabase might be the only ones on Modo potent enough to stand up to one of yours.
But after he pulled such a dick move on you I must seriously consider to unsubscribe Shinjis channel.
@Topic: Nice deck as per usu. I have to ask though: why the new one-game-only policy? I feel like I seen nothing of the decks abilities yet.
With this particular deck I felt the one game was a strong enough showing – otherwise it would just be more of the same: lock them out, blah, blah, blah. That, and getting decent games with a deck people freak out over often takes two days worth of play – like 12 or more hours. This game had some adversity, it was funny how the Back to Basics hurt me, and it accomplished its endgame. Not much more to show.
No offense to Shinji, people just do this waaaay too much: keep a bad hand and see if it immediately pans out – something most people wouldn’t wager were anything more than 3 strangers’ time at stake. Doesn’t seem fair to penalize the rest of the table for the misclick, or the mistake of keeping a weak draw when you are offered a free mulligan. I know Shinji of yore, and, he’s def a character and by no means a bad player. In 100Cs he would always stretch mana bases to the max for what I consider unnecessary ends, but to each their own.
hey, do you take suggestions for decks? if so, I built a 5-color hypergenesis cascade deck that you should try or just build yourself. Its fairly self explanatory
I am always open to new deck ideas, though, this one doesn’t strike me as hyper-realistic in this format. I have 2 additional opponents who can quash my dreams, as well as a base starting life total of 120 on the whole. Not to mention, this is the premiere format for playing gigantic powerful cards, all of which my opponents will be all to eager to flop down compliments of Hypergenesis. These are pretty mitigating factors, especially in with all-in strategy like Cascade-Genesis. Seems dire.
Verdict: not a viable strategy outside head to head.
But someone can feel free to prove me wrong. Me, I’d rather just play mana accel and flop down some daddies – esp. with cost not being such a prohibitive factor in the format.
If you would just show the replay the video would be 10 minutes instead of 60.
If you don’t use a bun, grease, condiments, spices, or any extras on your hamburger it’s less calories! But then again, it becomes a grey disc of core nutrients, not a hamburger.
Seems you’re missing the point of the videos, sir. You don’t get the full banter Travtravaganza if I merely just do a standard blow-by-blow, which seems rather trivial and silly in a no stakes format. Also, you’re not watching me in the moment, making decisions that lead to definitive outcomes that could easily be hindsightified in replay. Replay vids are simply something entirely different and require far less skill, in my opinion. My task for Academy as a contributor is to entertain (hence the art vids) more so than to educate. I just happen to have a hankering for singleton formats.
It’s not the destination; it’s the journey.
Thanks TRChance, always love the vids. Rarely do I go back to a site to watch a certain person over and over again. But you sir, are hilarious. Keep the vids at regular length, it always cracks me up when playing in the background. Keep up the good work sir.
person = “column”
I should know I’m laying a pile of moneyyyyyy good byyyyyyee
I’d like to pick up on that 5-color idea.
I think I’ve never seen you build a 5c Commander deck of any sort for that matter.
Are willing to try it?
Maybe Child of Alara is something you might be interested in…
You can really make peps suffer with it – Travis-Style.
I intended to do one of the following, or both:
Build a colorless deck and/or a 5-C deck to finish off the subseries idea.
Still pondering, as no deck on earth garners the “why didn’t you play this” as one that could support any card. It is truly the ultimate backseat deckbuilder’s soapbox.
I sincerely do appreciate feedback, even negative, but one thing I hate about making vids is someone else taking the opportunity to, completely out of the context of what was present, point out the superior play – often based on what happens after. I want to breach the static wall of hiss and choke people who do this: a ruse to make them look taller in the funhouse mirror and cast a heavy shadow on the people who take the time to put themselves and their ideas out there for the prodding.
Just sayin…
lamest win so far. a 1 card combo with your general which you even needed a 2 card combo for to get out :S. i would love to see you adhere the legacy banlist for one deck and also not use any easy combo’s. i know thats not gonna happen tho
still like it.. keep it up.
Ah, everyone’s favorite format conundrum:
Does one water down a deck for the sake of not being cheesy in the purported “spirit of the format”, or does one build a nice streamlined deck that doesn’t tape up the sharp ends in a passive attempt to placate the Casual masses?
The answer: there isn’t one. I have tried both routes and yet I get guffaws from either way. So, to quote Hassan I Sabbah: “nothing is true, everything is permitted.” Well, in this instance, if it isn’t banned then …
All the decks in this subseries will be competitive, designed with a clear strategy that doesn’t aim to prance about in a gesture of playful giddiness. More brutal decks inbound. I just wrapped up Monowhite week and will be heading into the Red shortly.
yeah, its not your fault in any case. its mostly that your opponents dont ever do ANYTTGHINGAARg
I would also be a hit at the bring your own ice cream parties that are so popular in Senegal!
And, I get what you’re saying Chris, but I can’t make people play or build “competitively.” This format is rife with “Casual” players who think a Turn 1 Sol Ring = Turn 3 Craw Wurm. Prob is, I have a demanding job and have to put aside free time to make these vids (woe is me). This means I can’t always square away what is inevitably hours upon hours of taped game play to bring what is often a meh end result. People quit. They cry and freak out. They play as if they narrowly survived a head injury. The list goes on.
I picked this game in particular bc I thought it showed the deck overcoming some obstacles (one of which was my own Back to Basics) and finding its way to a win, albeit pretty slow. Sometimes the decks, the games, are afterthoughts to my banter. It all just depends. Academy lets me what I do, unmitigated, so until someone tries to rein me in and/or people get tired of hearing me verbally defecate I will keep on keepin’ on. I mean, the decks are good, and cobbling together the multitudinous builds week after week proves daunting. I am always open to new ideas, but I will nev do replays, or single out an aspect of the game, as that can be discussed whilst I play. There are some great players out there, not many, but def enough that I should encounter them more often than not.
I have a colorless commander IRL (my only one) it’s pretty sick and would definitely fit your style, tell me if you want to see a list. It’s with Karn as general, a lot of acceleration and bombs like Sundering Titan, Mindslaver locking, Darksteel Forge (which is nuts) and a lot of cool interactions
Sure thing. Share here if you don’t mind.